About College

About the College
Believing in the importance of education in raising the standards of the community and keeping pace with the continued scientific development in various areas of science and knowledge, Palestine Polytechnic University recognized the necessity of establishing the College of Applied Science to keep pace with the rapid scientific developments within the community and beyond. The College of Applied Science was founded in 1999 as one of the four faculties within the Palestine Polytechnic University structure. Since then, the College has been developing rapidly in administrative, faculty and discipline majors. The college was initiated with one specialization which is Applied Mathematics, today it includes the following programs and degrees:
a. Master's Degree in Mathematics.
 B. Bachelor degree in the following majors: Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Therapeutic Nutrition, Applied Biology, Applied Electronics.
c. Educational Qualification Diploma. In addition to this, the college serves the other faculties of the university by teaching the general subjects such as mathematics, physics, languages and cultural materials and others.  That philosophy is evident in the choice of disciplines that supply the community with qualified actors able to change to keep pace with scientific, technological, intellectual and developments.  Students study 130-134 credits distributed over four years to get a Bachelor's degree will qualify students on both sides of the theoretical and practical knowledge.



Our Students

Saja Halaika

طالبة في كلية العلوم التطبيقية


أنـا الطالبة سجى زكريا حلايقـة حصلت على معدل 99.4 فـي الثانوية العامـة واختـرت دراسـة الفيزياء لشغفي في العلـوم وفضولي حول الكـون، وقد قمت باختيار جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين من بين جامعات الوطـن لأن تدريس العلـوم فيها تطبيقـي وهذه ميـزة لا تتواجد في غيرها من الجامعات ففيها مختبرات، وأجهزة متطورة وحديثة، ومدرسو مختبرات متخصصيـن...ولا أخفي عليكـم دور الدكاترة الكبير في فتح أبـواب العلم لنا وتمهيد الطريـق لنعبر، و دورالجامعـة أيضاً فهي الداعم الأساسي منهجياً ولامنهجياً، فالحمد لله على هذا الاختيار والشكر له على التوفيق. نصيحتي للجميع خذ بالأسباب وتوكل على الله.

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مكتب عميد كلية العلوم التطبيقية

ضاحية البلدية


البريد الالكتروني: dean-cas@ppu.edu