دعوة لحضور محاضرة علمية تلقيها الدكتورة رنا عبيد

محاضرة علمية

تتشرف اللجنة العلمية في كلية العلوم التطبيقية بدعوتكم لحضور محاضرة علمية بعنوان

Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of captopril by pyridinium chlorochromate

والتي ستلقيها د. رنا عبيد من دائرة الكيمياء والاحياء التطبيقية في جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين، وذلك يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 5/2/2019 الساعة 11:00 ظهرا في قاعة ماجستير الرياضيات B+511.


Captopril (CPL) became the most potent competitive angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and the first useful antihypertensive agent. The aim of this talk is to investigate the oxidation of CPL by pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) which has never been studied. This in vitro investigation is expected to shed light on its oxidation in biological systems. The kinetics of this oxidation reaction was studied using UV-Vis spectroscopy at 444 nm, that is λmax of the intermediate formed between CPL and PCC. The products of the reaction were determined as CPL disulfide and [Cr(H2O)6]3+ which are characterized by melting point, IR- and UV-Vis spectroscopy. In addition, the effect of different parameters such as pH (ranged from 1.15-1.87), ionic strength (ranged from 1.5-3.5 M) and temperature (ranged from 239 – 308 K) on reaction rate were investigated. Based on the obtained results, a mechanism for this oxidation reaction was proposed and the values of the activation parameters ΔH#, ΔS# and ΔG# were calculated. The derived rate law was found to be Rate =  k[PCC] [H+] [CPL]. 


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مكتب عميد كلية العلوم التطبيقية

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البريد الالكتروني: dean-cas@ppu.edu