
Career Opportunities:

·        Lecturer at universities, community colleges and high schools

·        Work at the Directorate of Education in the areas of administration or supervision, and at the Central Bureau of Statistics.

·        Opportunity to pursue his/her Ph.D. degree at international universities


Statistics and Success Stories:

Over the years, the program has graduated scores of Math MS graduates from all over the country. Our graduates have shown a high degree of excellence at their work place either in the academic or private sectors. Many of our graduates have joined Ph.D. programs at the USA, European, and other international universities. The program in partnership with the university was instrumental in hosting the Third Palestinian Conference in Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics which was a success story in the region by its participants (locally and internationally) and the quality of research presented.  Our MS students played an important role in organizing and presenting their research at this scientific event. Last but not least, the excellence in research at our MS math program has been highlighted in which three of our MS thesis at PPU won the Abuihlail Prize in Mathematics as the best graduate math research at the national level

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